Okay, it's Friday, it's very early in the morning and it's at that stage of the pregnancy where it's time to race up to the hospital worrying about anything that could possibly go wrong. Luckily all appears to well with our glamourous mum to be and the upshot of hanging around hospital waiting rooms is we get to have another scan of the little peanut in her tum- tum!

We had the first scan 2 weeks ago and it was literally the size of a peanut, but as you can see from the scans, it's a lot bigger now and needs a more appropriate nickname! So what do you think? There'll be a crisp fiver* winging it's way to person who comes up with the best foetal nickname. Submit your comments in the field below!

*we're actually a bit skint this month, would a drawing of a five pound note be okay?